Looking for the perfect blend of sound tech and live excitement? Welcome home!

There are many opportunities out there for those dreaming of working in live spaces, mixing gigs, and operating FOH for concerts… but you don’t see many ‘hiring’ posters hanging in the creative industries…so how do you get your foot in the door?

Getting That Experience

Seeking out your own experience is one of the first lessons you will learn when venturing on your own. Opening up your doors, and seeking out experience in your field is a rite of passage in the creative industries. 

One way you can seek out your first sound gig is to look at local music venues in your area, make a list of the venues that interest you, befriend the staff, managers, and the in-house sound engineer, and shadow them on shift. This is a great way to not only network but to learn the ins and outs of live music and is the ideal space to make a few ‘learners' mistakes’. There’s no harm in putting yourself out there…I’d argue it's the most ideal way to get ahead! 

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The Only Way is Up!

Starting from the bottom is, well, where most of us start. Volunteering, doing load in/out, shadowing friends, studying - it’s all worth it, and it all means something. The best way to learn is to get amongst your local scene and gain that hands-on experience, expand your knowledge, and understand the environment that is live music. Without these vital foundations, you aren’t able to build upon your skill set or work your way up. Building your career on strong building blocks is what will cement you as an icon. Being a dedicated and hard-working student at JMC means our lecturers can aid you in your first entry-level jobs, and give you the best chance to work up the ranks. 


When it comes down to it, audio jobs are mostly found through word of mouth. Working hard, being easy to work with, showing up for yourself and others, and giving it your best - always, is the key to creating your dream career in audio. It’s who you know, at the end of the day and who knows you - so put your best self out there.

Your lecturers at JMC are amongst the first industry professionals you meet! Showing up to class prepared and ready to learn is one of the first keys to making it in this industry. Word travels fast, so let it take you to the top.

Live sound is one of those ‘dream jobs’ and making money through your passions is a special thing. JMC’s Audio course ensures hands-on experience using relevant industry-specific gear and networking with the very people who want to guide you through those doors. We’re here to support you in every step of the journey. 

Working in live sound can be an incredible job, combining your passions and getting paid for it! JMC’s Audio course makes sure you get hands-on with the industry specific gear, networking with the people that are important and giving you those first steps into the career of your dream.

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3 campuses across Australia in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
Over 20 different courses on offer from Animation to Entertainment Business Management
The opportunity to complete part of your course abroad