Policies and Procedures

The purpose of the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure is to provide a framework for JMC Academy’s approach to nurturing and promoting a culture of academic integrity at JMC Academy. The related procedures describe the steps to be taken in investigating cases of alleged academic misconduct and managing breaches of academic integrity.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to assist JMC Academy staff and students to

  • delineate what JMC Academy constitutes as academic progression and to identify and assist students who are at risk of not achieving satisfactory academic progression
  • identify and assist students who may be at risk of not completing their course of enrolment and increase course completions by intervening with a structured Study Plan or a formal Learning Agreement
  • aid ‘Support and Intervention Strategy Policy’, assist JMC Academy staff to identify and assist students who may be at risk of not completing their course of enrolment and increase course completions by intervening with a structured Study Plan or formal Learning Agreement
  • monitor the workload of international students by JMC Academy to ensure students complete the course within the duration specified in their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and do not exceed the allowable portion of online or distance learning. JMC Academy only enables students to extend the expected duration of study for the course through the issuing of a new CoE in limited circumstances
  • aid ‘Support and Intervention Strategy Policy and Procedure’, and outline timeframes and actions for academic performance review and workload monitoring

This policy is applicable to all courses at JMC Academy and covers the granting of Aegrotat Assessment towards a JMC qualification. Aegrotat Assessment may be applied to any student at JMC Academy who, due to unforeseen circumstance is severely impaired in the successful submission of work, to the extent they would be unable to complete their currently enrolled units.


The Admissions Policy and Procedure establishes a framework and sets out guidelines for the admission of applicants into undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered by JMC Academy.


The purpose of the Assessing and Supporting English Language Proficiency Policy and Procedure is to set out:

  • English language proficiency requirements,
  • English language proficiency assessment processes, and
  • How JMC Academy will support students to continue to develop their English language proficiency once enrolled.

The purpose of the Assessment Management Policy and Procedure is to: 

  • Outline JMC Academy’s commitment to the design and delivery of assessment that facilitates students achieving the specified learning outcomes of its programs, 
  • Acknowledge that assessment serves a range of purposes and is an integral part of the learning process for students, 
  • Ensure JMC Academy recognises the significance of employing a range of assessment techniques to foster curiosity, experimentation, critical appraisal and integrity within students and staff, 
  • Define procedures for conducting examinations, 
  • Set out steps for planning, conducting and moderating assessments to ensure the integrity of the Australian Qualifications (AQF) level of the registered qualification, 
  • Ensure the academic standards of JMC Academy are maintained and safeguarded. 

JMC Academy’s Code of Practice describes the minimum standards of our teaching and assessment practices.


The purpose of this policy is to assist JMC Academy staff and students in the management of critical incidents.


This policy is applicable to all courses at JMC Academy and covers the granting of credit points for prior learning towards a JMC Academy accredited qualification.


This policy sets out out the principles for credit arrangements in coursework academic programs at JMC Academy to ensure:

  • Equitable assignation of credit points between units of study in all JMC Academy accredited qualifications
  • Credit points are an accurate representation of student workload
  • Units of study are portable between qualifications, as per course rules.


The purpose of this policy is to outline details of circumstances and JMC Academy’s approach to course and/or study period deferrals, student’s enrolment suspension, and student’s enrolment cancellation. As well as assist JMC Academy staff to identify and implement correct processes to guide and support students who may wish to defer, suspend or cancel their enrolment.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that JMC Academy remains committed to actively fostering an inclusive culture that is free from discrimination, bullying and/or harassment of any kind, including sexual misconduct. JMC Academy expects all its staff and students to constructively contribute to a creative, safe and diverse learning environment where discrimination, bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct will not be tolerated under any circumstances.




The purpose of this policy is to articulate JMC Academy’s commitment to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion, and to acknowledge the value and benefits of a diverse, collaborative and inclusive culture.




The Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy sets out JMC Academy's commitment to the exercise of academic freedom, underpinned by the principle of freedom of speech.


This policy provides the system of grades to be used by JMC Academy for the evaluation and assessment of all JMC Academy’s Higher Education Programs. 


The purpose of this policy is to assist JMC Academy staff and students to determine:

  • what certification documentation is issued to students by JMC Academy
    • in the Vocational Education & Training (VET) sector,
    • in the Higher Education (HE) sector,
  • when a student is able to receive their certification documentation, and
  • the circumstances when a Testamur can be-reissued.

The purpose of this policy is to provide framework for JMC Academy to:

  • ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all its students and employees, and
  • create and maintain a positive culture and a safe working environment, and
  • establish effective processes to monitor, manage and improve campus safety, and
  • provide available support.

This policy details JMC Academy’s:

  • Policy on requests from overseas students for a full or partial refund of fees paid to the Academy
  • The process submitting a request for full or partial refund

This policy and procedure establishes a standard for the operation of all JMC Libraries. The policy governs access to the library's information resources and services for all authorised users, including currently enrolled JMC Students and JMC Staff Members.



This policy outlines JMC Academy's specific obligations to domestic students who are under 18 years of age.



This policy and procedure outlines JMC Academy’s transparency in the collection of information digitally via advertising and promotions, events, newsletter subscriptions, enquiries, applications, and enrolments and its usage for marketing purposes.


This policy is designed to ensure that JMC Academy’s marketing collateral and promotional materials are professional, clear, accurate, and maintains the integrity and reputation of the Australian education sector. 



The purpose of this policy is to outline the requirements regarding orientation for international students commencing studies at JMC Academy.


This policy outlines JMC Academy approach to protecting the privacy of our students.


This procedure outlines how JMC Academy will manage incidences of Sexual Assault and should be read in conjunction with the, Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.


This procedure outlines how JMC Academy will manage incidences of Sexual Assault and should be read in conjunction with the, Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.


This policy sets out:

  • A range of special circumstances recognised by JMC Academy which may affect student’s academic performance
  • The processes for recognising an assessing these circumstances and their impact on student’s academic performance
  • The types of support JMC Academy can provide to address disadvantage that impaired student’s academic performance

The Principles of Procedural Fairness apply to the complaint and appeals processes adopted by the JMC Academy.


The JMC Academy Student Code of Conduct provides a framework for the standard of conduct expected of our students in respect to their academic conduct and personal behaviour.


This Policy and Procedure provides framework and principles for fair, equitable and effective structure to manage JMC Academy student complaints and appeals promptly, productively and honestly. Student complaints and appeals system is an opportunity for JMC Academy to review and improve its practices and the overall student experience.


The Support for Students Policy outlines the support available to students to assist them with successfully completing their units, and how JMC ensures students are aware of their support options.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that international students wishing to transfer between registered training providers do so in accordance with the guidelines of the National Code 2018.

JMC Academy guidelines and procedures for:

  • assessing a request to transfer to another provider where the student has not studied their principal course for more than six calendar months (outgoing), and
  • assessing an enrolment application where the student has not studied their principal course for more than six calendar months (incoming).

The purpose of the Tuition Fee Refunds and Removal of FEE-HELP Debts Domestic Students Policy and Procedure is to outline JMC Academy’s process for tuition fee refunds to students and determining tuition fee refunds for students withdrawing from a course or unit of study, or due to provider default.



This Handbook sets out the guidelines for what you can expect from JMC, and what JMC can expect of you as one of our students.



This form is to be completed by any JMC Academy DOMESTIC student, who wishes to apply for a deferral of the commencement of their course or a temporary suspension of the course (leave of absence).

Download Application for Deferral (Domestic) Download Application for Deferral (International)

This form is to be completed by any JMC Academy student (domestic or international), who wishes to apply for having their documents issued/re-issued.

Go to Form →

This application form is to be completed by any JMC Academy Student. Applying for learning/disability support is completely voluntary. Students can apply at any time during their studies, but it is recommended doing so when they enrol in a course.

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This form is to be completed by any JMC Academy student/prospective student (domestic or international) wishing to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning for a Higher Education Programme (Diploma, Bachelor, Master's).

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This form is to be completed by any JMC Academy student/prospective student (domestic or international) wishing to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning for a Vocational Programme (CUA31015 Certificate III in Screen and Media).


This form is to be completed by any JMC Academy student (domestic or international), who wishes to lodge a formal complaint (academic or non-academic).

Go to Form →

This form is to be completed by any JMC Academy student (domestic or international), who wishes to lodge an appeal (academic or non-academic).

Download Application to Lodge an Appeal

If you have experienced or witnessed any form of sexual misconduct (sexual assault or sexual harassment) you are encouraged to report it so that you can get the support and information you need. All the information provided to JMC Academy will be kept strictly confidential, and any person reporting such incidents will be treated with dignity and respect.

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VET Policies + Procedures

This policy and procedure establishes a framework for the selection of candidates into the CUA31015 Certificate III in Screen and Media course.


This policy and procedure provides for recognition of various types of a candidate’s prior and current credentialed and non-credentialed learning for credit towards a JMC Academy RTO course.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that JMC Academy RTO has an assessment management system that meets the requirements of the AQF and Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (Cth) for developing, conducting, moderating and storing assessments


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that JMC Academy RTO’s training and assessment strategies and practices are systematically validated to ensure that they are responsive to industry and learner needs and meet the requirements of all nationally registered accredited training products.


This policy and procedure acknowledges JMC Academy RTO’s commitment to cooperate and communicate with the VET Regulator and to operate legally compliant at all times.


This policy and procedure document outlines the transition process from superseded or deleted Training Package qualifications and/or units of competency to their successor/s.


The purpose of this policy and procedure document is to specify the ways that JMC Academy RTO will meet its obligations under clauses 1.5 and 1.6 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.


The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how JMC complies with Clause 1.16 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, in that it ‘ensures that all trainers and assessors undertake professional development in the fields of the knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment including competency based training and assessment’.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to:

  • Ensure that JMC Academy RTO always has sufficient qualified and experienced trainers and assessors for its operations
  • Detail processes to ensure that suitability qualified and experienced trainers and assessors are engaged to deliver training and/or assessment for the appropriate JMC Academy RTO training product
  • Ensure relevant information and support is provided to commencing and continuing trainers and assessors to assist them in achieving the highest standard of performance
  • Provide support, encouragement and opportunities for continuing professional development, including opportunities to maintain industry currency, vocational competency and vocational education and training knowledge and skills, and
  • Monitor performance from the perspective of RTO Standards 2015, JMC Academy RTO policies and procedures, and the needs of its students.

The purpose of this policy and procedure details JMC Academy’s systematic approach to supporting students enrolled in any of its training products to achieve their education goals.

This Policy and Procedure document provides guidance to Student Services Staff on the collection, storage and reporting of Unique Student Identifier (USI) data.

The purpose of this policy is to detail the risks to the JMC Academy RTO’s operations, assess the likelihood and impact of any risks, and specify control measures.


VET Policies + Procedures (IFSS Pty Ltd)

This policy and procedure establishes a framework for measuring academic progress to assist JMC Team Members and students to delineate what JMC constitutes as academic progression and to identify and assist students who are at risk of not achieving satisfactory academic progression.


This policy and procedure specifies all entry requirements and other conditions necessary for enrolment within the published training and assessment strategies for each course.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that JMC Academy RTO has an assessment management system that meets the requirements of the AQF and Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (Cth) for developing, conducting, moderating and storing assessments


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that all assessments conducted by JMC are valid and reliable and allow for sufficient and current evidence to be collected to determine competence.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that complaints and appeals at the JMC ACADEMY (JMC) are recorded, acknowledged, and dealt with fairly, efficiently, and effectively


This policy and procedure acknowledges JMC Academy RTO’s commitment to cooperate and communicate with the VET Regulator and to operate legally compliant at all times.


This purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline details of circumstances and JMC’s approach to course and/or study period cancellation, deferrals, or suspension of a domestic student’s enrolment in a course.


This purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline details of circumstances and JMC’s approach to course and/or study period cancellation, deferrals, or suspension of a domestic student’s enrolment in a course..


This purpose of this policy and procedure applies to all students and to all members of the workforce engaged or appointed by JMC while on campus or in JMC related off-campus activities, including managed digital environments.


This purpose of this policy and procedure is to articulate JMC’s commitment to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to acknowledge the value and benefits of a diverse, collaborative and inclusive culture.


This purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that JMC cooperates and communicates with the VET Regulator and is legally compliant at all times.


This purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide the framework for JMC Academy to:

  • Ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all its students and members of the workforce, and
  • Create and maintain a positive culture and a safe working and learning environment, and
  • Establish effective processes to monitor, manage and improve campus safety.

The purpose of this policy and procedure document is to specify the ways that JMC Academy RTO will meet its obligations under clauses 1.5 and 1.6 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.


The purpose of this document is to provide definitions and common terms used within JMC Academy's VET policy and procedure documents.


This policy and procedure relates to collecting late fee payments in a timely manner and informing students of the penalties incurred if payments are not made by the due dates.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline JMC’s transparency in the collection of information digitally via advertising and promotions, events, newsletter subscriptions, enquiries, applications, and enrolments and its usage for marketing purposes.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to promote wellbeing and safety of all JMC’s workforce members and students, define actions that constitute non-academic misconduct, and set out process for investigation and management of all alleged cases of non-academic misconduct in a fair and equitable manner.


The this policy and procedure applies to all individuals including all staff (employees, contractors, industry consultants, guest lecturers) and all higher education (HE) and all vocational education and training (VET) students whether domestic or international directly engaged in the functions and activities of JMC.


The purpose of this policy and procedure outlines what personal information is collected, how it will be used and who it will be disclosed to. As a registered training organisation (RTO) and a higher education provider (HEP), JMC collects personal information to process and manage enrolment in a vocational education and training (VET) course or Higher education (HE).


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to delineate foundations and protocols of the management of all the records at the JMC ACADEMY (JMC).


This purpose of this policy and procedure document is to outline JMC’s actions for replacement of
provider and replacement course.


This policy is applicable to and available to students. Students are made aware of this statement by the Student Admissions team during the enrolment process. If this statement changes over time, the most current version will be available on JMC’s websites.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline attendance requirements for students enrolled at JMC.


The document provides a framework for the standard of conduct expected of our students in respect to their academic conduct and personal behaviour.


The purpose of this policy is to provide a statement on the participation and involvement of JMC Academy’s students in its governance and decision-making processes.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline JMC’s actions for transitioning between training packages.


This is a statement of the JMC Academy’s (JMC) policy in regard to tuition fee refunds and re-accrediting of VET Student Loan Debts (VETSL Debt) for domestic students who withdraw from an JMC course after the semester’s Census Date because of ‘special circumstances’, such as serious illness.


This is a statement of the JMC Academy’s (JMC) policy in regard to tuition fee refunds and removing debts for domestic students who have a VET Student Loan Debt (VETSL Debt).




This policy occurs when the student does not commence or continue in the course through some action of the student.
